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Debate This! is a podcast where grown men argue about video games and comics like kids on a playground. Each episode, hosts Andrew Henderson, Kyle Harper, Matt Cole, and Todd Thomas will debate meaningless topics, like which of Dr Robotnik's inventions could have been a legitimate investment, or which of the Koopa Kids should be in line for the crown. In this show, no one is right, but someone is definitely wrong.

May 11, 2021

An artificial life form created to perform menial labor one day becomes sentient and embarks on a journey to free themselves from their oppression. To do so, they must do the impossible: Escape to the surface world and become human. Only then will they be completely free. You may think to yourself: Why are we talking about the plot to 2018's Detroit: Become Human? And our response to you would be, oh no this isn't Quantic Dream's cinematic masterpiece...this is Bomberman, baby!

Image gallery from the episode:

Today's explosive lore dump is brought to you by Tommy, AKA "Whomstrodamus" in our Discord! Check out our Patreon page at if you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT for the one-time price of $50!